Macroeconomic and Fiscal Assessment of Utility-Scale Solar in Maryland
At the request of a consortium of clean energy advocates, the Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) recently completed a macroeconomic and fiscal assessment of increased deployment of utility-scale solar projects in the State of Maryland. The study, entitled “Macroeconomic and Fiscal Impacts of Expanded Utility-Scale Solar Generation in Maryland,” examines proposed policy changes for the siting of new large solar projects in the state and analyzed the potential macroeconomic and fiscal benefits that are likely from accelerating deployment of these projects.
North Carolina Climate Action Plan Advisory Group Recommended Mitigation Options for Controlling Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Recognizing the profound implications that global warming and climate variation could have on the economy, environment, and quality of life in North Carolina, the Climate Action Plan Advisory Group (CAPAG) was established with the aim of developing proposals for dealing with climate change in North Carolina. Its final report and recommendations were released at a public meeting on October 16, 2007, in Raleigh.
Oregon 10-year Energy Action Plan[FZ2]
The Oregon Global Warming Commission was created by the 2007 Legislature through House Bill 3543. In March 2008, the Governor appointed the 11 voting members of the Commission. The Commission’s general charge is to recommend ways to coordinate state and local efforts to reduce Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions consistent with Oregon’s goals and to recommend efforts to help the state, local governments, businesses, and residents prepare for the effects of global warming. Please visit the Keep Oregon Cool website to view Oregon's Climate Action Plan.
Nature Based Solutions for the UN Development Programme
CCS provided technical assistance to the United Nations Development Programme to revise and simplify its cost and benefit assessment tool for Nature Based Solutions.
Private Investment Mobilization and Financial Analysis Tool
We are working on a multi-region, pilot-based program designed to incubate comprehensive curriculum and tools for public and private sectors to develop business financing models for Low Carbon Development actions across sectors, and ultimately mobilize investments for standardized and aggregated projects and products (Private Investment Mobilization – PIM - project).
Pacific Coast Collaborative
On June 30, 2008, the leaders of the States of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, and the Province of British Columbia, signed the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) Agreement. Through annual meetings, the PCC promotes a common front for cooperative policy alignment, action, and information sharing among the Governors of the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska, and the Premier of British Columbia.
Pennsylvania Climate Change Action Plan
The Office of Energy and Technology Deployment (OETD) serves as DEP’s principal office for energy policy, the assessment of energy and environmental technology, and the promotion of the use of appropriate technology to address environmental problems. Their goal is to effectively work with citizen groups, businesses, trade organizations, local governments, and communities to help them reduce pollution and save energy. Part of that effort includes encouraging the deployment and use of innovative environmental and advanced energy technologies, including renewable energy.
Puerto Rico Statewide Energy/Resources/Emissions Baseline
CCS is partnering with the Puerto Rican Energy Affairs Administration and Department of Natural Resources on a state of the art greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast for use in creating a comprehensive climate mitigation plan to meet Executive Order mandates of Governor Garcia. CCS is providing startup assistance and guidance to agencies of the Commonwealth for implementation of five Executive Orders covering a full range of climate change mitigation and adaptation issues.
Rwanda Least Cost Power Generation and Net Zero
As part of a consortium led by the Research Triangle Institute (RTI), we are supporting USAID's Power Africa, East Africa Energy Program (EAP), including the East Africa region and the nations of Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda. Our work includes a range of technical and collaborative activities designed to expand affordable and reliable electricity services in East Africa, with the ultimate goal of supporting development priorities, including inclusive economic growth, security, and improved health and education outcomes.
South China Renewable Energy Implementation Project
Built upon previous US-China collaboration on the development of the China Subnational Low Carbon Development Planning and Analysis Toolkit and related training and technical assistance activities conducted since 2009, CCS, the Global Environmental Institute (GEI), and the Guangdong Institute for Energy Conversion of Chinese Academy of Science (GIEC) cooperate on a project for South China Renewable Energy (RE) Implementation.
Under2 Coalition for Climate Change Pathways
CCS and Winrock are supporting pathways development to seven selected regions in the LAC region that are members of the Under2 Coalition. Through a step-wise approach that involves substantial engagement of public and private sector stakeholders, the works focuses on achieving optimized and transformative pathways to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions consistent with under 2 degrees Celsius climate stabilization levels, and complete, accurate, and cost-effective Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV)….
United Arab Emirates GHG Inventory Verification
The Center for Climate Strategies conducted a technical review of the Abu Dhabi Emirate greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for calendar year 2012. The scope of the review addressed the methodologies adopted and applied for estimating emissions in each sector, data acquisition, geographic boundary considerations, reporting format. The reporting of emissions in each sector was evaluated in terms of completeness (sources and GHGs covered); credibility; accounting issues (direct versus indirect sources); comparability with previous or regional emissions reports; accuracy; and confidence (in terms of the use of the reported data for GHG mitigation planning purposes). CCS provided a final set of recommendations to address issues that were identified during the review.
Over the past ten-years, CCS has developed a widely implemented process for comprehensive, multi-objective, climate, energy, and economic action planning and analysis. This 10-Step Process & Analytical Toolkit can be applied at either the national or subnational levels, and across all sectors or for individual sectors and policies to support agency and stakeholder decisions.
CCS Designs a Washington, DC Carbon Fee and Rebate System to Create Local Jobs
The Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) completed macroeconomic design and analysis of a proposed carbon fee-and-rebate system that would put a carbon-based price on all greenhouse gas emissions in Washington, DC.
USAID Guatemala Enhancing Capacity for Low Emissions Development Strategies (EC LEDS) Project
From 2015 through early 2019, the Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) supported RTI International with the design, planning, analysis and implementation of the Guatemala Low Emissions Development Strategies (GLEDS) program of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to meet the country’s NDC commitment, and sustainable economic and social development goals.
The GLEDS plan represents a successful, replicable and scalable template to spur countries’ economic and social development while meeting environmental needs and goals.