University of South Florida St. Petersburg Climate Action Planning
June, 2016. CCS completed work with staff and students at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg (USFSP) on developing a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for submittal to the Climate Leadership Network (formerly the American Colleges and Universities Presidents’ Climate Commitment). The work completes a two-phase assistance agreement to build capacity at USFSP to measure, monitor, and manage greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to meet important goals of the university and contribute to broader efforts to expand climate change knowledge and solution capabilities.
Yemen GHG Inventory Verification
The Center for Climate Strategies conducted a technical review of the Abu Dhabi Emirate greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for calendar year 201o. The scope of the review addressed the methodologies adopted and applied for estimating emissions in each sector, data acquisition, geographic boundary considerations, reporting format. The reporting of emissions in each sector was evaluated in terms of completeness (sources and GHGs covered); credibility; accounting issues (direct versus indirect sources); comparability with previous or regional emissions reports; accuracy; and confidence (in terms of the use of the reported data for GHG mitigation planning purposes). CCS provided a final set of recommendations to address issues that were identified during the review.
Security And Investment Project
The CCS Security and Investment Project provided a comprehensive leadership strategy for the emerging energy economy and the trend to safer and more sustainable approaches.
It detailed how past progress has been made by localities, states, and national agencies to meet climate, energy, and economic goals at the same time. And it pointed to specific new actions that can do more now.
South Carolina Climate, Energy and Commerce Report
Recognizing the implications that global climate change may have on the economy, environment and quality of life in South Carolina, Governor Sanford issued Executive Order 2007-04 on February 16, 2007, establishing the South Carolina Climate, Energy & Commerce Advisory Committee (CECAC).
Southern California Climate & Economic Development Project
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) engaged a diverse and high-level group of stakeholders representing government entities, environmental interests, key industries, and other groups through its Climate and Economic Development Project (CEDP). The purpose of the CEDP was to identify regional and local strategies and policies to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and yield positive economic impacts for Southern California.
Southern Governors Association
A report produced for the Southern Governors' Association presents economy- and region-wide opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and evaluates their projected potential financial costs or savings.
US States Climate Action Planning
Our planning and engagement processes with US states have included comprehensive climate action planning initiatives in all regions of the country chartered by governors through Executive Orders and public law.
Washington Actions
The final recommendations of Washington’s Climate Action Team (CAT) contains “most promising” strategies and opportunities to reduce GHG emissions affirmed in 2008 by the CAT for consideration by the Governor and the Legislature.
Western Climate Initiative and Western Regional Air Partnership
CCS supported the WRAP Board in sharing information and facilitating Climate Change initiatives in the WRAP region, preparation of GHG emissions inventories, and involvement in The Climate Registry and the Western Climate Initiative.
Wisconsin Actions
In April 2007, Governor Doyle signed Executive Order 191 which brought together a prominent and diverse group of key Wisconsin business, industry, government, energy and environmental leaders to create a Task Force on Global Warming. The Task Force proposed measures to reduce a variety of our state's greenhouse gas emissions. In July 2008, the Task Force voted overwhelmingly to approve the final report and recommendations, Wisconsin's Strategy for Reducing Global Warming, and forwarded the document on to Governor Doyle for consideration.
Vermont Plenary Group Recommendations to the Governor’s Commission on Climate Change
Recognizing the profound implications that global warming and climate variation could have on the economy, environment and quality of life in Vermont, Governor Jim Douglas issued Executive Order 07-05 establishing the Governor's Commission on Climate Change (GCCC)