Lao PDR Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategy
Final report delivery session in Vientiane
The Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) supported the Government of Lao PDR in the development of its Long-term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) and implementation framework. The technical assistance project was funded by the Word Bank and was delivered by CCS in collaboration with two local partners, Earth Systems and Care Laos. CCS led the technical consortium and worked closely with the Ministry of Natural Resource & Environment, Department of Climate Change (DCC-MONRE) and other ministries.
Through this technical assistance, CCS supported DCC-MONRE in identifying and assessing short- and medium-term low-emission development actions across economic sectors and defining their implementation roadmap to help the country fulfill its net-zero emissions commitment by 2050, and simultaneously position itself towards a sustainable and equitable socio-economic development in a timely manner.
From decarbonizing electricity supply for export and electrifying end uses to avoiding deforestation and expanding climate-smart agriculture practices, the LT-LEDS actions were carefully crafted taking into account Lao PDR’s specific context. This includes the need for the Government of Lao PDR to enhance its long-term planning (especially in the power sector within the context of regional power trade), close institutional, regulatory, financial and capacity gaps, and access innovative forms of financing.
The LT-LEDS scenario enables the achievement of the 2050 Net Zero target, while generating net savings (after upfront investments), macro-economic stimulus, and reduced exposure to climate vulnerabilities across economic sectors. The LT-LEDS serves as the technical foundation for the development by DCC-MONRE of the policy strategy document that will be submitted to the UNFCCC as the official LTS in compliance with the Paris Agreement. It will also guide the development of the next five-year national development plan by the Ministry of Planning and Infrastructure and its financing strategy, as well as the updates to the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).