Oregon 10-year Energy Action Plan[FZ2]
The Oregon Global Warming Commission was created by the 2007 Legislature through House Bill 3543. In March 2008, the Governor appointed the 11 voting members of the Commission. The Commission’s general charge is to recommend ways to coordinate state and local efforts to reduce Oregon’s greenhouse gas emissions consistent with Oregon’s goals and to recommend efforts to help the state, local governments, businesses, and residents prepare for the effects of global warming. Please visit the Keep Oregon Cool website to view Oregon's Climate Action Plan.
CCS Initiatives in Oregon:
CCS has supported the State through its work for the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC). Support is being provided in the area of economic growth (job and investment growth) associated with the implementation of clean energy options by PCC members.
CCS assisted the Oregon Department of Energy to prepare the Greenhouse Gas Foundational Analysis and Modeling to Inform Development of the Governor’s 10-Year Energy Action Plan