Washington Actions
The final recommendations of Washington’s Climate Action Team (CAT) contains “most promising” strategies and opportunities to reduce GHG emissions affirmed in 2008 by the CAT for consideration by the Governor and the Legislature. This report builds off the CAT’s 2007 interim report, "Leading the Way: A Comprehensive Approach to Reducing Greenhouse Gases in Washington State”.
The recommendations in this report represent the CAT’s vision for moving Washington towards a low-carbon future with economic opportunities, and describe the bold and thoughtful action needed to build the foundation by which Washington can meet the 2020 greenhouse gas emission and vehicle miles traveled reduction requirements established in ESSHB 2815.
CCS Initiatives in Washington:
CCS has supported the State through its work for the Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC). Support is being provided in the area of economic growth (job and investment growth) associated with the implementation of clean energy options by PCC members.