Climate Strategies

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Mexico Climate Decarbonization Pathway and Guatemala Leds Templates

QUINTANA ROO, MEXICO. The Center for Climate Strategies (CCS) and partners recently launched the fourth of seven regional programs through the Under 2 Coalition in Central and South America. CCS is partnering with Winrock International, The Climate Group, the Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force, local governments, and local partners to develop comprehensive plans, assessments, and implementation approaches for mid-century greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and near-term guidance to the further development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Peru (the Climate Pathway Project).

The launch of the Quintana Roo, Mexico program was conducted through a one-day capacity building workshop followed by a second day government and stakeholder meeting with over 50 participants. The group reviewed and approved detailed analysis of regional GHG baselines across sectors, as well as proposals for sector level coverage of pathways actions, long term GHG targets, and sector-level visions. The image of the crocodile, below, depicts the challenge of reducing GHG emisssions from business as usual forecasts to future mitigation levels required for climate stabilization — and the role of pathways actions in closing this gap. Quintana Roo began the first critical steps in this process. Quintana Roo began the first critical steps in this process.
This work is based on a template applied by CCS and partners in Guatemala completed in 2019 under the USAID Guatemala LEDS process in partnership with RTI International. CCS served as lead technical expert  for the Guatemala Low Emission Strategy (GLEDS) , and author of the GLEDS Final Report submitted to the Guatemalan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and other ministries for further development and implementation of Guatemala’s NDC. It was developed with the active involvement of over 300 stakeholders and resulted in development of 43 sector specific policies and measures to meet GHG targets. Among its findings was the dominant role of agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) in Guatemala’s GHG’s and their importance in reaching climate goals.
According to Jonathan Schwartz, RTI and Chief of Party for the GLEDS Project, “the ten-step process developed by CCS and used in Guatemala to build a new future of cooperation is a gold standard for successful low emissions development.” This highly participatory, multi objective, implementation driven decision process has been used widely by US states and in other developing nations. The Guatemala and the Climate Pathway processes provide an effective template for nations and subnational jurisdictions to move forward with climate change stabilization and international goals, including development of updated NDCs under the Paris Agreement.

Expected GHG Reductions from Implementation of Guatemala LEDS Options